Western States Mining Consultants, P.C. (WSMC) is a mining engineering service firm specializing in mining, geotechnical and environmental engineering for the mining industry. For over 25 years, WSMC's project managers, engineers and geologists have helped various mining companies reduce operating costs, improve productivity, and reduce environmental liabilities in an ever changing regulatory environment. Based on our experience, our personnel are able to help our clients solve complex mining and environmental problems.
WSMC's project managers, engineers and geologists have a broad base of training, expertise, and experience in all phases of mine engineering from grass roots exploration to final reclamation and mine closure for surface and underground, metal and non-metal mine operators. Our project managers have direct control of each project and work one-on-one with each client to ensure their satisfaction. WSMC personnel have helped their clients solve difficult mining and environmental problems throughout their careers.
Mr. David H. Scriven, P.E., President of WSMC, has over 32 years of mining engineering experience in the areas of production, supervision, blasting, mine planning, project evaluation, financing and management, and geotechnical engineering. His experience includes supervisory production positions for a major base metal mining company, staff and supervisory engineering positions for major base metal and coal mining companies, staff engineer for a major Rocky Mountain lending institution and over 20 years working as a consulting engineer supporting the mining industry.