WSMC has completed major projects in trona, coal, industrial minerals, and base and precious metals. Assignments have included mine design, mine evaluation, surface and subsurface exploration, tailings and sedimentation pond design, facilities construction management, environmental engineering, permitting, geotechnical engineering, reclamation planning and mine closures. Our personnel have assisted clients in creating and maintaining successful operations in the Western U.S. and Alaska. Visit the following categories for a summary of areas of expertise and representative projects. |
Project Construction & ManagementWSMC provides Project Construction/Management services during original construction, modification or expasion of facilities ranging from ore haulage, processing, and tailings and seidmentation ponds. |
Project EvaluationOur Project Evaluation services include exploration, reserve estimation, feasibility studies, and due diligence. |
Mine Planning & DesignMine Planning and Design services include ore body modeling, drift and stope design, ventilation design, rock mechanics, roof support, and pillar design. |
PermittingPermitting services include exploration permits, state and federal mine permits, EPA and NPDES discharge permits, and air quality permits. |
Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering service areas include foundations, tailings and sedimentation pinds, leachpad design, roadways, slope stability, subsidence, and ground control. |
Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering service areas include reclamation design, acid mine drainage, shaft/portal closures, and water quality. |